Women's Ministry


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The Women's Ministry at Grace is designed to help meet the spiritual needs of women in a loving
environment where friendships can be nurtured. Events are planned with recognition that women
lead very busy lives and have differing needs.




Socials with a Purpose - A variety of creative women's activities are planned throughout the year, each with the intent of helping the target audience take the next step in their faith walk.

Women Social - Womens Social 

Bible Studies - Mid-week Bible Studies are ongoing throughout the year so that women's lives may be enriched through study and application of God's Word.

 Women's ABF


 Mom's of Grace logo - moms of Grace logo

 Moms of Grace

Monday mornings  Sept.-May
 9:30 am - 11:30am

  Grace Church, 
1311 W. Hovey
Normal,  IL 
Phone 452-5076 
Child care is available

Suggested donation is 
$2 - $4 per meeting


Moms of Grace is a weekly support group for moms.  This is a time for you to refresh and renew with other moms in our community, through sharing together, fun activities, and special speakers dealing with many pertinent issues moms face.  We will share prayer requests and learn how the Bible relates to our daily lives.  

Whether you are a mom of an infant or a mom of teenagers, a mom of one child or a mom of many, a mom that attends church, a mom that doesn't, a married mom or a single mom, you are invited to join us at Moms of Grace.




Have more questions about Women's Ministry? If so, feel free to Contact Us.