The Family Life Cycle Series
Each of our marriages and families go through a number of different phases and seasons. Each transition brings new challenges, opportunities and lessons to be learned. The purpose of "THE FAMILY LIFE CYCLE SERIES" is to provide marriages and families at all stages of life the opportunity for instruction from God's Word, encouragement and discussion designed to enrich their family and marriage experience. Join us for these times of learning, laughter and enrichment!
Parenting 101
This class is for parents at every stage of raising children, from toddlers to teenagers. We will be studying 6 key passages of Scripture that deal with family and parenting principles. Along with an in-depth look at the passage, we will also look at practical ways to apply those principles to real world situation. Principles covered will be, 'The Heart of a Parent'; 'Setting a Biblical Target'; 'Parenting by Grace'; 'Training Them Up'; and 'The Primary Focus'.
Essentials of Discipline
This DVD curriculum by James Dobson and Focus on the Family is designed for parents of children from Toddlers to Elementary age. Topics include 'Why Your Child Needs Discipline'; Irresponsibility vs. Defiance'; 'Changing Discipliine as Your Child Grows'; 'Protecting the Spirit'.
Preparing For Adolescence
This classic book and study guide looks at the physical, emotional and spiritual changes a young adolescent is going through. Designed for children grades 5-8 and their parents, this class will be a growing time for parents and their children to share together.
Parent - Teen Elective
This class is designed for students grades 7 - 12 and their parents. Together they will look at 'Communication'; 'Resolving Conflict'; 'Setting the Limits' and 'Seeing Life from Both Sides'.
Looking Beyond the Nest
This class will look at parenting our adult children. 'Preparing Your Children for Launch'; 'Reaching Your Prodigal'; 'Life as a Grandparent' and 'Sprirtual Encouragement' will be some of the topics covered in this class.